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Anchorage length - Lap length based on eurocode 2

Reinforcement contributes to make concrete stronger. This means that concrete structures take up larger tension forces.

That's why reinforcing bars, wires or welded mesh fabrics shall be so anchored and lappped that the transmission of the forces is assured as well as large cracks which affect the performance of the structure do not occur.

The website provides to structural engineers (professionals and students) in the construction sector free-online web app for design of anchorage length - lap length based on eurocode 2 (swedish standards). It has been tested and verified by experienced civil engineers that the calculation result is accurate. However, despite considerable effort we cannot exclude the possibility that an error exists. The results should therefore always be verified by a qualified engineer.

Anchorage length - Lap length according to EC 2

Anchorage length | Lap length | Eurocode 2

Concrete : fck = 20 MPa
Steel : fyk = 500 MPa
p = MPa
σsd = MPa
n = %

Anchorage length - Straight bar
Anchorage length - Bent or hooked bars
Anchorage length - Looped bars
Anchorage length - Welded transverse bars
  dsl :   Ø mm
  dst :   Ø mm
ΣAst = mm2
 ΣAst,min =
  K = 0.1
Straight bars
c1 = mm
c = mm
a = mm
Bent or hooked bars
c1 = mm
a = mm
Looped bars
c = mm
Created by : View Vasilis Mamadas' profile on LinkedIn

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