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Design at serviceability limit state (SLS) based on eurocode 2

In many cases, it's of great importance to be able to describe how the concrete elements behave at serviceability limit state (SLS) based om eurocode 2 i.e. that the building constructions function properly during their service life.

What is normally checked are deflections, displacements, vibrations and cracks. This can be formulated as below:

  • Structural parts och their supports shall have such stiffness that deflections or displacements of the structural part, when uses as inlended, don't adverselly affect on its function or damage other structural parts.

  • Structural parts shall be designed so that vibrations are not experienced as uncomfortably.

  • Cracks shall be checked in so far as this necessary in order to ensure the proper functioning and durability of the structural parts.

The website provides to structural engineers (professionals and students) in the construction sector free-online web app for design at serviceability limit state (SLS) based on eurocode 2 (swedish standards). It has been tested and verified by experienced civil engineers that the calculation result is accurate. However, despite considerable effort we cannot exclude the possibility that an error exists. The results should therefore always be verified by a qualified engineer.

Stress limitation, crack and deflection control

Serviceability Limit State (SLS) | Design | Eurokod 2
hw = mm
bw = mm
Concrete :fck = 20 MPa
Steel :fyk = 500 MPa
Life class :
wk = -   
  Concrete cover for reinforcement
c = mm
φ(∞,t0) =
εcs =
MEd,perm = kNm

wmax = L/300  
wmax = L/150  
wmax =

As,min based on 7.3.2
 Created by : View Vasilis Mamadas' profile on LinkedIn
Concrete section |  Durability  | EC 2
Tensile reinforcement
As1 = mm2
d1 = mm
dsl1 :Ø mm

As2 = mm2
d2 = mm
dsl2 :Ø  mm
L = m
Simple beam Fully restrained beam Corbel beam

MEd,car =

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